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Image by Luke Chesser

find tutors for free

Need some help with NCEA? NZQA Scholarship? IB Exams?

Use Minerva's free tutor search tool to connect with the highest-achieving students in your subject at your high school and across New Zealand. 


find a tutor in 4 easy steps!

1. Sign up to access our database of tutors

Signing up is free and only takes a few minutes!

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2. Search for tutors

Filter by curricula, subject, and location. Our search tool makes it easy to search for tutors that suit your needs.

3. Connect with tutors

Found a tutor that suits? Just use our chat function to connect and discuss session times and location.

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4. Confirm session time

Your tutor will send over proposed session location and time details. Simply verify the session through the app, and you're set!

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